A Moment

Slowing down and checking in, stepping out of the spiral.
A moment is based on the intersection of slow design philosophy and ludic engagement, providing a safe space to embrace stillness and disrupt the human instinct that movement creates feedback. Influencing the concept are key principles of meditation- as it is no surprise that the fundamentals of this ancient practice have positive effects on the human brain.
Skills used

Touch Designer, Touch OSC, Kinect, Python, Adobe Effects, User testing, Adobe InDesign

Interaction Design
Many of us are living with anxiety and the array of symptoms that come with it. Although everyone’s experience is different, the results of an increased heart rate and racing thoughts are the same. With the ever increasing distractions that live in the personal computer we carry with us; we need to pay closer attention to how often we pause.

A Moment is based on the intersection of slow design philosophy and ludic engagement, providing a safe space to embrace stillness and disrupt the human instinct that movement creates feedback. Influencing the concept are key principles of meditation - as it is no surprise that the fundamentals of this ancient practice have positive effects on the human brain. Ludic design has been injected through colour and light which are also found to hold different healing elements, while providing a playful interaction. Node based technology is used to connect a Kinect motion camera and TouchOSC that allows the installation multiple avenues of interaction. The visuals are determined through the location of where the audience stands which enhances the generative style that gives each frame its unique style.

The reflective nature of A Moment has been designed to stay with the audience long after the end of the session and aims to be a reminder for everyone

How it works?

1. Enter the space and use the IPad provided to read through the reflective prompts and different emotions on the screen.
2. Choose an emotion listed on the interface and take a moment of stillness to breathe deeply.  
3. Notice what happens when you move around the space. Do the visuals evolve or disipate?
4. Choose a different emotion to change the visuals and embrace the relaxing properties that colour and light have to offer.
5. Let your mind empty and enjoy!

How does it work?

The Kinect camera tracks motion and the location of where the audience stands.   This feedback is turned into numerical data and is passed to TouchDesigner through Python equations which sends commands to the program to activate the visuals.

Motion sensing has been used as a trigger point to cease all new visuals when detected. The TouchOSC user interface is connected through OSC and transmits instructions of which colour state has been selected.